Talisman of
& the Archangel Hanael
Note: "Simon Jester" watermark does
not appear on actual talisman.
Earthy Capricorn corresponds to the Devil
card of the Tarot deck and is assigned to the Path of Ayin
on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Ayin connects Tiphereth (the sephira of the True
Self) to Hod (the
sephira of the intellect) and represents the often Faustian allure of Reason and
Logic. This sign and Path
help us to open our eyes and
clearly see all the obstacles
and impediments that we have placed upon
ourselves with our habitual thought
patterns and taken-for-
granted logical assumptions. Hanael,
the Archangel of Capricorn, helps us to wake up and
realize that we have
been enslaved to illusions of
our own creation. Hanael's magical sigil and name
in Hebrew script
appear on this talisman.
Plain Parchment
or card stock (2.75" diameter):
$5.95 + $2.50 shipping & handling
Parchment backed
with green painted wooden disk
(3" diameter):
$8.95 + $2.50 Shipping & Handling
Framed Version: $12.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
versions of these planetary talismans can be requested for
an additional charge of $15.00. Time must be allowed for the stars
& planets to be in the proper configurations for the charging & consecration
of talismans with the desired forces.
I accept money orders and
For requests and ordering information, email Simon Jester at:
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